Five easy ways to blast belly fat 

How to lose weight from your tummy

If you want to lose weight from your tummy, there are a few things you can do to boost your results safely and sustainably. Read on to find out our top five tricks for blasting belly fat.

Move for 30 minutes a day

This might sound like a hard task, especially when we’re so busy, but the best way to make daily movement into a habit is to fit it into your schedule.

As well as exercise, that can mean taking the stairs instead of the lift, having a stroll in your lunch break or doing jumping Jacks every time the kettle boils.

If you’re struggling to make time to move, hiring a personal trainer can help.

Eat until you’re 80% full

Eating too much is one of the easiest ways to slip up when you’re trying to lose weight from your tummy. Keep an eye on portion control and follow the Japanese maxim: only eat until you’re 80% full. 

Read food labels

Check ingredients lists and labels and avoid trans fat (sometimes called partially hydrogenated fats), found in processed foods like cakes, cookies, pies and frozen pizza.

This is the worst kind of fat as it raises cholesterol levels in the blood and has been shown to increase the amount of fat specifically around the tummy.

Worryingly, it does this by adding new fat and also moving fat from other areas of the body directly to the belly!

Cut back on alcohol

Let’s face it, alcoholic drinks are empty calories, tend to be full of sugar and a few drinks can weaken our resolve and lead to snacking and over-eating (not to mention bad food choices the day after).

When we eat more calories than we burn, the body holds onto the extra energy as fat. Cut out the booze and you’ll reduce your calorie intake at the same time.

Chill out

Being stressed can lead to increased belly fat as the body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol and less leptin, the hormone that reduces appetite.

Both love to hold onto fat reserves to give us more energy. Slow down the production of cortisol by removing stress from your life and taking time to relax and rest.


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